Wednesday, 13 May 2015

My New Health and Fitness plan

  So I feel a little stuck in a rut with regard to my overall fitness; the pounds are piling on from the constant indulgence of a feeder boyfriend, and I have little or no motivation to reverse this! As a last resort I have turned to my trusty friend, the IPhone, to get my 'summer body' back on track. Although I've attempted YouTube workouts and the likes of in the past with little or no success of tuning in for consecutive workouts I think the main difference between the former and using an app is that you have exceptionally easy access.. meaning there is no excuse!

  I've decided to start off slow and steady: I have picked 3 apps to stick to daily, so as not to overdo it and put myself off of a consistent routine. The first two apps I'm following currently are 'The 30 day Squat Challenge' and 'The 30 day Sit-up Challenge' both consist of a daily workout which, if not followed, will send you a notification to give you a KICK up the backside! After completion of the daily challenge your progress is recorded and that specific day is ticked off on the workout calendar, acting as yet another form of motivation!

  I have always been one for structured workouts when it comes to fitness, so to follow a daily programme ensures I'm putting the effort in to reach the eventual goal. All of the challenges, workouts and exercises have been designed by professional fitness instructors, with the incorporation of rest days strategically placed every couple of days to allow your body time to recover.
  My third app is 'Seven' which consists of a seven minute workout, with a voiceover, that you can follow as you run, jump and leap around an open space like a mad woman! The challenge set is a 7 minute, 7 month workout using nothing more than a chair, a wall, and your own body weight. You start the programme with three lives: skip a day and you lose a heart, if you skip more than 3 days in a month your progress resets and it's back to square one!
  As you can seem, I'm pretty new to this, but am loving the incorporation of the cardio involved into my daily routine. I used to be a pretty religious runner, but at the moment seem to be lacking the motivation to get out there and back into the swing of things. I'm hoping with the introduction of the simple 'Seven' workout I will get into the habit of a daily workout, and slowly increase the level and degree of exercise completed.. eventually resulting in the return of my running shoes!
  As you keep to the original workout you begin to unlock new workout plans, but start with the simple pattern shown above. None of these are exactly taxing, yet combined into a simultaneous routine tend to work up a sweat.. especially if repeated!

  I'm currently 7 days into my new regime, and plan to blog weekly on my progress... and whether I'm sticking to it! I'm also looking to adjust my diet to coincide with my fitness plan, so if anyone can recommend a good dieting/healthy eating app or just a plan then please feel free to comment below or message me via twitter @melanievanessam
Melanie x

1 comment:

  1. Ooh these seem like some really good apps to help me stay on track with my workout routine.
    Aleeha xXx
